Create a Sales Document


This is a sample from a previous documentation project. The target audience were salespersons looking to quickly generate a sales document. Names and identifying content have been changed.

This page will walk you through the basics of setting up a new sales document, adding a client, and choosing a template.

Step 1

When you want to generate a new sales proposal, select +Document from your dashboard.

Screenshot. Arrow points to the +Document button Screenshot. Arrow points to the +Document button

Step 2

Next, hover over a template and select Use This.

A screenshot of a large portion of the Template Library. An arrow points to a button labelled “Use This”, placed in the center of a template. A screenshot of a large portion of the Template Library. An arrow points to a button labelled “Use This”, placed in the center of a template.

Once selected, you’ll move to the Document Settings screen.

Step 3

Enter your client and document details. Much of this is optional, but we’ll need some important information in order to generate a document. These are:

  • Document Name - what to call this document?
  • Client Contact - who is this being sent to?
  • Assignee - who is getting the commission once the sale closes-?

Once you’ve filled out all relevant fields, select Next Step to enter the Editor.

Screenshot of the lower half of the Document Details screen. An arrow points to the Customize button. Screenshot of the lower half of the Document Details screen. An arrow points to the Customize button.