Allan Duquette's Portfolio


My name is Allan Duquette, a technical writer, knowledge manager, and instructional designer working remotely from Nova Scotia. Explore this site to view some samples of my previous writing projects, review my resume, and get a glimpse into what goes on in my head. Select any of the links below to explore.

My Toolkit

My current professional toolkit includes:

  • Git and Github
  • Google Workspaces
  • VS Code
  • Techsmith SnagIt
  • OBS Studio
  • ClipStudio Paint

I’m also well-versed in the following, both as an admin and a user:

  • Slack
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • Zoom
  • Microsoft 365
  • Adobe CS
  • Zoho Timesheets
  • Asana
  • Monday
  • Paligo
  • Articulate (Storyline and Rise)
  • Lessonly

This Site Uses:

Github, Markdown, Hugo, and the ReLearn theme.